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Sliding Scale Clinic

Help! Community Acupuncture is going away!

As you may know, Common Ground Healing Arts has been providing community acupuncture in Charlottesville for 14 years, and we have been proud to be amongst the practitioners who serve there. Sadly, the funding has simply not been there to sustain this valuable institution, and March 27th will be their last day in operation. While we cannot make up anything like the four days that have been available there, we do have some options. In April and May, Jess Croes will be running a sliding scale clinic at our practice on Saturday mornings. Beginning June 14th, Gryphon will take over this clinic. This will be a little different from the community clinic in that you'll get 20 minutes of individual attention rather than just 15, and be in a private room. Space is limited, but we will do our best to cover as many Common Ground patients as possible.

How to Schedule

To schedule in April or May, contact Jess Croes at

Jade Roots Acupuncture:

434.996.2963 - -

To schedule for June 14th or later, please call or email us. â€‹


New patient intake visits are 40 minutes,

returning patient visits are 20 minutes



Saturday sessions will be on a pay-what-you-can basis. Our sliding scale suggestion is $40-$100 for intake visits and $20-$80 for return visits.


Payment must be cash or check. 

Other Resources

- Free auricular (NADA) acupuncture clinic at the Health Department every Tuesday evening at 5:30: details here

- Free auricular acupuncture clinic at The Blue Ridge Center (Region Ten) weekdays at 1. 100 Burnet St. 

- Sapphyre Miria offers sliding scale acupuncture​

- In Waynesboro, Stan Hubbard also has a sliding scale option

- The following local practitioners accept insurance:

- Morganne Ashlie: Aetna for UVA employees

- Jamie Paxton: Aetna

- Xiong Chang: Aetna, Anthem

- Most practitioners who do not take insurance (us included) are happy to create a superbill which you can submit to your insurance for reimbursement. There are, however, no guarantees they will reimburse, or how much. You might want to call and find out in advance.

To make an appointment, call us at 434.443.0950 or email
Office Location:
1110 Rose Hill Drive, Suite 101
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 10:00 am - 5:30 pm
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